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lund university中文是什么意思

用"lund university"造句"lund university"怎么读"lund university" in a sentence


  • 兰德大学(瑞典)
  • 龙德大学
  • 隆德大学


  • The two are researching geology at lund university in southern sweden , and said they are working on an article about the find that will be published in an international magazine shortly
  • Lieber ' s work appears in the february 7 nature ; researchers from the university of california at berkeley and lund university in sweden present similar striped nanowires in the february nano letters
  • Another female volunteer said that the face she chose which in fact she hadn ' t looked nicer than the other . lars hall a researcher from lund university thinks the volunteers were sincere when giving their reports and somehow failed to notice the switch
  • Another female volunteer said that the face she chose which in fact she had n ' t looked nicer than the other . lars hall , a researcher from lund university , thinks the volunteers were sincere when giving their reports and somehow failed to notice the switch
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